…But you can. Here’s how:
Are you feeling tired? Worn out?
Are you wondering if the fight is even worth it?
We have all been there, too. You put your all into upheaving your life, searching for love, leading a healthy lifestyle, and striving to build the life of your dreams. However, it seems like no matter how much success you manage to gain - failure always comes back around.
Life simply shouldn’t be this hard.
It’s true - life is meant to flow. Yet, the constant struggle of fighting and failing to find that flow becomes downright exhausting. For many of us, we end up tired, defeated, a shadow of our true self, and unsure of what is really going on.
Dawn Burnett is an expert in helping women uncover their sticking points that are holding them back from living their dreams. She helps create a strategic road map to divorcing the negative thought patters that are holding them back and creating new patterns to help move them forward into living their full potential. Susie Moore-Life Coach, Author
Hello, I’m Dawn…
…and I’m here to help you achieve your goals and leave the negativity in the past!
From overcoming an abusive past, to being a single parent and sole bread winner for my family, to barely surviving a near fatal car accident for myself and my son- I understand first hand how it feels when life fails to flow.
I have dedicated my life to showing people how to achieve the best version of themselves through leaving the negativity in the past. As the founder of the #SHERO Project, I have worked with so many strong people and have helped highlight the amazing accomplishments anybody can make, despite the hand they are dealt.
I’d love to help you achieve your goals as well!
The very first time I shared my story in its entirety, I shared it with Dawn. I harbored a lot of guilt and shame for what I went through, and most people have no idea about my full story—even those closest to me today. I took a big leap and bared my soul to Dawn for her #SHEROproject. From day one, she's protected all of us SHEROs fiercely and has created such a safe space for us. The following year, I found the courage to continue sharing my story on enormous stages and platforms, and I couldn't have done it without the quiet cheerleader I keep in my pocket, that’s Dawn Burnett—Kathy Haan
Why Dawn?
Dawn Burnett is shining a light on the practices of mindset that make a rich, joy filled, thrilling life possible. Each of us has to tap in and “connect” in order to make our blue sky dreams come true. - Sheri Salta-Author, Speaker, & Producer
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Divorce Lifestyle Consultant & Mindset Mentor
Best selling author, Divorce Lifestyle Consultant & Mindset Mentor, Dawn Burnett is passionate about helping people divorce situations that are no longer serving their higher selves.
Dawn knows first hand what it takes to divorce relationships, habits, things, and situations in search of wholeness and happiness. Through her one-on-one coaching, Dawn supports men and women from around the world with taking the dirty out of divorce and stepping into joyous living.
Dawn is going to show you how to maintain positive mindsets, focus on manifestation, and help you walk the path of taking control of your life.
Now is the time to put yourself first!
Before Dawn Burnett started mentoring me, I was struggling and I felt defeated. I had just exited a toxic marriage and I was overwhelmed and had low self-esteem. During our conversations I realized that I kept repeating old habits that were holding me back from living my full potential . Now that we have solved the problems, shifted my perspective on life & adjusted by internal dialogue to positive, I realize I do have control. I can do anything I put my mind to & live a life by design rather than by default. Thanks to Dawn Burnett, I’ve learned how to THRIVE! -Zwinda Deliz
Happiness is an inside job. Let Connect show you how to take action, push past fears and gain courage, so you can live the life you’ve been dreaming of. Jack Canfield- Co-Author of Chicken Soup For The Soul and The Success Principles
Letting go isn’t giving up, it’s understanding that the best is yet to come. Let Connect show you how to learn from your past, take back your power, and truly live like you have never lived before. Mike Dooley-Speaker & NY Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities

Failure to flow.
We have all been there. When no matter what you try you simply can’t trigger the success you are looking for. Success in business. Success in your health, with your relationships, and with your overall success.
And do you want to know why this happens? Here is the secret:
You have to divorce, once and for all, your old patterns of love, health, beauty, and how you see and speak to yourself.
Yes, divorce!
Finding Freedom,
Fun, Flow
Yes, you can have it all - great health, the love of your life, an amazing career, loving family, positive mindset, and the personal and professional growth you have always dreamed of. All you have to do is divorce the negative habits, mindsets, and beliefs that no longer serve your highest calling.
Together we can do just that. Let’s deep dive into your struggle and locate the areas that need divorcing. We’ll create a game plan to divorce what is no longer serving you, while helping you step up into the next evolution of your truest self.
Dawn Burnett has helped me so much. I am doing so much better. I’m in school to be a Life Coach. I feel so honored that we crossed paths because that particular day I was just broken.–Shawn Maley
Thank you for what you are doing! You have helped me share my story for the first time even though I was scared, it was freeing. I truly appreciate what you have done for me!"__ SHERO Courtney Kessenich-- Miss DC International 2020